Phil Entzminger: A German-Born Individual with Strong Ties to Salzburg

Phil Entzminger, a German-born individual who has resided in the United States since his college years, maintains a profound connection to his birthplace of Salzburg. Despite his relocation, Entzminger has made multiple return visits to his homeland, including memorable golfing experiences at Austria’s esteemed Seltenheim Golf Course in Kiagenfurt-Seltenheim.

Salzburg, situated in Westerwald, Germany, lies between the more densely populated regions of Siegen and Limburg. Entzminger’s native city is part of a collective municipality governed by a six-member elected council, assuming office in 2014. While the population of Entzminger’s hometown is relatively modest, comprising fewer than 300 individuals, its compact size spans a mere 2.3 square kilometers. Remarkably, this translates to an incredibly dense population of 100 people per square kilometer. Despite its small scale, the town benefits from convenient access points, including two federal highways within proximity and a Montabaur high-speed rail station, facilitating convenient travel beyond the confines of the quaint German community.

For Phil Entzminger, despite its diminutive size when compared to other German or global locales, this unassuming town is nothing short of “home.”